Ek Adat

Ek Aadat Movie 2010
Shiva is a person with his own set of values, but feels imprisoned in his father's home who is a retired army officer & runs his home like a break the shackles & leave home to lead his life on his own terms in city.

He reaches the city & goes through the grind of city life and meets his lady love in the city and also find a friend in Amaan, but Shiva is a big time his 'Ek Aadat' due to which he has a show down with his girlfriend who dumps him......

Armaan is a person with high moral reaches who has left home and came to the city since his father is an immoral guy who has married a bar girl.

In the city he finds a job and also love of his life and is happy in his life. Nathalal is a simple person form a village who is lazy, personified and is a pain to all the villagers, the keep on booting him and one day he steals a calf and sells them in the city.

What happens when all the characters are in the city and now things shape up for each of them is what 'Ek Aadat' is all about....

Can Shiva achieve his goal...?

Can Armaan finds the happiness he is looking for...?

Can Nathalal survive in the city...?

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