Mugabe And The White African – DVDRip (2009)
Mugabe And The White African – DVDRip (2009)

8.0/10 IMDB Rating
100% Positive Ratings on Rotten Tomatoes

In 2008 Mike Campbell – one of the few remaining white farmers in Zimbabwe  to have held fast in the face of the violent ‘Land Reform’ programme – took the unprecedented step of challenging President Robert Mugabe before the SADC International Court (SADC – South African Development Community) to defend his farm, which is also home to 500 black workers and their families, and to charge Mugabe and his government with racial discrimination and with violations of Human Rights.

This gripping documentary, shot covertly in Zimbawe, follows the travails of the farmer Mike Campbell, his wife, daughter and son-in-law who had the temerity to bring an action against President Robert Mugabe in the Southern African Development Community’s international court in Namibia, claiming he had no legal right to confiscate land legitimately acquired from the Zimbabwe government. They won the action, lost the farm and nearly lost their lives enduring a Hitlerian nightmare. The most chilling encounter is that between Campbell and the relative of a government minister who turns up in one of his luxury cars to take over the farm.


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